Monday, December 5, 2011

My Little Guy

Devon has grown so much the past month or so. He has discovered his tongue and plays with it all the time. He also has started to grab things and shove it into his mouth. He rolled over once for me and once for his daddy but hasn't done it since. He talks so much and laughs too. I caught a couple of videos of some of his achievements so enjoy :)

Festival of Trees

This year I finally got to bring my own kid to the festival of trees. Dad and family created the tangled tower for the gingerbread house. It was the highest bid amount taking first place in my mind. Congratulations Dad!! The amount to make it was close to $100 and it sold for $2,000. Wahoo!! I took a couple of pictures with my phone but I do have more on my camera which I will upload someother time. I took a couple of pictures of my favorite trees and at the kids korner :) Enjoy